Friday 20 August 2010

Why I chose to study Medicine?

It is not an easy journey for the medical student, that is for sure. So what makes a person want to go through such a path that is full of hardships? Many would say that they want to become a Doctor because it is a well-known and well-respected profession. That way they will be recognised for their efforts more than in any other job. Some may say that in the medical profession there is a lot of money to be gained, while some may say that in their society medicine is seen as the top profession and are pushed by their parents to study it.

But what do I think???

I remember as a kid I was so proud of my dad being a Doctor. In school I would love to tell my friends my dad is a Doctor and whenever the teacher would ask a question about the human body in a science class I would be able to answer it and they would expect me to know because my dad is a Doctor. So at that time it made me really interested in maybe wanting to become a Doctor. At one point I wished I was a pilot or a football player, but that was something temporary. But always in the back of my mind I wished to become a Doctor.

As I grew older and was more able to understand the profession seeing my dad going to his village and having kind of set up a temporary clinic in the house we were staying at, it made me even more fascinated with it. Seeing hundreds of poor people just turning up to see one Doctor made me realise how important a Doctor can be in a place where there was limited medical relief/assistance. It could change the whole community and make a difference to people.

So I was trying to imagine the satisfaction a person would get when you see a helpless child who is suffering from an illness, nearing death and coming to you for help. When you see them you diagnose their illness and prescribe their treatment. When they come to you again with their child healthy again, just seeing the smile of the child or the parents would make me full of satisfaction and even more rewarding than anything else even more rewarding than a pay check.

So my reason for studying medicine is simply this, that I really have my heart towards trying to help people and when I see people appreciating you for something that has made a difference in their life, obviously by the will of Allah, no doubt that is a great feeling! It makes you feel like you have achieved at least something in your life.

The money that comes with medicine to me is a bonus, I am not just saying this or trying to make that up. But I feel that way and there were many jobs out there that I could have chosen, which maybe had an easier path and less study, but could have earned me more than the wage of a Doctor. But you choose a job out of satisfaction and it doesn't last if you choose a job for just earning money. You need something to keep you motivated and to keep on wanting to work hard to dedicate everything to your profession.

One other aspect of medicine is that it is a vast subject and even if you choose to be a physician you will not always see the same repetitive disease, but there are many types of diseases and it is always changing. So you will never be stuck doing the same thing over and over again. Some parts of medicine are repetitive no doubt but there is a great variety also.

The last thing to note is medicine is not extremely tough, but it does require a lot of study. That study will continue throughout your life and if you are not into such kind of study then medicine isn't for you. You can still have a balanced life studying medicine and you can exercise and do things that you always used to do, the only difference is more hours for study.

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