Friday 11 February 2011

Mubarak (congrats) to Egyptians, Mubarak is no more....

The Egyptians have given a great example to the Muslim world especially, after Tunisia of course. But I was really impressed with the Egyptian revolution, it was so peaceful and organised. If Mubarak cared about his nation and people, it would have been the most peaceful revolution ever without even a single drop of blood. Because these protestors didn't want to cause any harm to anyone. I saw a video showing the protestors washing the square with hose pipes and wipers. People volunteering to clear up the rubbish and this is basically what our religion Islam tells us to do. We have to care for everything and not be oppressors or cause harm to anything. It was a shame that the government used their brutal police and then some thugs they hired to cause chaos. Alhamdulilah that did not stop the protestors and they struggled hard. Those few hundred who died, their sacrifices will not be in vain.

The main reason for the dictators being in power, was to stabilise the region (i.e protect Israel). So everybody was happy pumping in billions of dollars to this regime and other regimes. Even though they were extremely brutal and contradicted what western rules stand for. They were the complete opposite to democracy and yet they enjoyed support. But people by themselves and without foreign armies or intervention had enough. It shows when people change, the nation can change!!!

People are more stronger than any army and if they are guided on the right path can bring the best change. 

Thursday 10 February 2011

Life is how you want it to be....

Sitting in my bedroom and looking outside the window I see rain and dull clouds, along with the constant sound of cars passing by every few seconds. On the face of it, it seems quite depressing. But if you truly think about it everything happens for a reason and that if you think negatively then everything looks dull.

I know the importance of rain when I spend months in Peshawar and it never rains. The land becomes barren and the air becomes polluted. People pray and ask when is the rain going to come. But then we saw what happened in Pakistan when it rained TOO much. So this is another sign that balance is the key to life. You should never go to an extreme but stay in the middle. In UK many people complain about the dull weather and wish for hot weather and blue skies. So when will human beings ever be content with anything?

This life is quite short and if we spend it thinking negatively, wondering about why this happened to us and why that happened to us. We would just waste our lives and never achieve anything. There are many examples of human beings who came from nowhere into being something special. This was due to their positive thinking and of course Allah who blesses people. But like the saying goes (maybe it is a hadith)...

Tie the camel first, then trust Allah....

What this means is quite obvious that you cannot be careless and then pray to Allah to help you. You cannot sit in your room not studying and pray to Allah please pass me in exams. This is not the way things work. You cannot sit like a couch potato and expect to be healthy miraculously. Everything requires hard work and that is part of being a devout muslim, in that this life you must also work towards good and not just say I am going to die and what is the point. This is the mind of a depressed person and a negative person...

Sometimes I might become bogged down with negative thoughts and life seems so difficult and you wish that you just give up everything. But then you think that if you give up everything where would the feeling of delight come from? The delight of when you struggle hard and then you see the fruits of your struggle. That feeling cannot be attained by doing nothing. Those who do nothing will never get that feeling...We fast in Ramadan and then when time comes to break the fast just a little bit of water or food becomes so dear to us. When we are not fasting we do not see the blessing of water and do not think much of it while drinking it.

This brings me to another point. You only understand the importance of something when you lose it. The other day I saw on the news a policeman who had become blind by a murderer who shot him. I was thinking look at this, one day he woke up and he could see everything and the next he cannot see anything. How would that person feel, how would any one of us feel?? But even though he is blin, he is still alive...Just like some people who go into coma after severe accidents, but then are taken out of coma only able to move a few parts of their body and not able to speak properly...but still they are happy to be alive.

No matter how much problems you have in your life, count your blessing and try doing something positive in order to make things better. Then ask Allah to help you!

Monday 7 February 2011

Lauren Booth conversion to Islam

If many of you do not know who Lauren Booth is, well she is the sister-in-law of Tony Blair. She is a journalist and has written for the Daily Mail newspaper..She has two children

In October 23, 2010 she converted to Islam live on Islam Channel during an event called the Global Peace and Unity event, which is held every year in London.

When these new converts speak about their conversion to Islam it really touches your heart and makes you realise that we are born Muslims and yet we do not have as much love and respect for our faith. Isn't that quite shameful? She is newly converted and talks about her hate for alcohol and automatically she feels like alcohol doesn't seem right. She has started wearing the scarf herself and without anybody telling her to, from her own choice. I was listening to her interview and she also said that when she told her children that she is going to convert to Islam. They went and made an interview for her. They asked her a few questions, which were.....

1) Will you drink alcohol?? She said I will never drink alcohol...the kids said yeaaa in hapiness
2) Will you smoke? She said I am thinking of quitting smoking....again kids were pleased
3) Will you wear low cut dresses or tops? She said do you think Muslims would. Then her kids told her well you have been and we didn't like it. Then they said we love Islam. And her 7 year old daughter wakes up at 6am and prays.

As most people claim Islam is oppressive towards women and do not give women their rights. Women still converting to Islam is a clear sign that this is not the case and why would anyone want to give up their free life, able to dress how they want, drink what they want and have no rules put on them...and instead accept Islam which has rules and you are submitting to the will of Allah rather than the will of your desires!

If you wanna know more about her conversion watch it on youtube....

Friday 4 February 2011

A new cult in the UK....

First you have to watch this video showing the leader of a group called English Defence league arguing his case. Then read what I have to say about them. It is quite funny this

He says we are not against Muslims but we are against Islam. Is this guy serious? He seems like an extremely ignorant person. There is a sikh person in this EDL (English Defence League) and they claim we are not against the Sikhs, Hindus or any other groups. Why? He says this is because crime is coming from Islamic community and our sisters are being raped by Islamic community. That is absolute rubbish as well, because white people commit many crimes. This group is just basically a bunch of football hooligans who are drunk on alcohol. Their lives are not very prosperous, but they just want to find somebody to blame. Who do they find? MUSLIMS. Just hate on the Muslims. He doesn't realise that if there is any Muslim criminal in the UK or any fraudster from Muslim community, they are acting against Islam. Islam preaches against all these things.

The EDL have planned a protest on Saturday in Luton. It will be quite interesting to see if many people turn up or not. But this group is just based on pure hate toward just Muslims. It is very easy to reject every single point the leader of EDL is saying. But I am sure they are not ready to listen because as usual arrogance gets people nowhere.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Watching the chaos in Egypt

I've been closely watching the news lately, especially since the uprising in Egypt. It was really amazing to watch so many people come to the streets and finally speak out against a dictator like Mubarak. He has been in power for 30 years and nobody has challenged him, even though he was basically taking the country down the gutter. I was listening to some analysis by Glenn Beck the guy who is famous for quite a lot of controversy. But he put it quite nicely, when he said that people hate America not because they have freedom and that they are non-Muslims. But they hate them because they are in bed with the dictators that run the Muslim countries. That is shows hypocrisy that on the one hand the west stands up for justice and human rights, then on the other they support cruel tyrants who torture and persecute their people. It doesn't make sense does it.

The people of Egypt seem like they have had enough and it is suprising that it has been peaceful protests and quite civilised. Before the pro-Mubarak protests started, everything was quite orderly and even they were showing ordinary civilians washing tahrir square and people cleaning up the place. It is quite a shame that everything was turned upside down since yesterday with the introduction of some thugs and mobs who have been hired by the government. They are desperate to see some kind of reversal in favour of Mubarak, but it seems quite unlikely. His days are numbered and tomorrow is the day, which will show which way this movement for democracy will go.

It just shows the power of the people, that they are the ones who can change their destiny. A quote from the Quran which we hear quite often is really strong that an Ummah will not change unless it's people change. What does that mean??? It means that if the people in a nation are not willing to want change, then their nation will not change. But if people are willing to sacrifice and to stand up against evil in their nation, then their nation will rise and become a nation of good. We see in every Muslim nation some kind of leadership problem. In some we see elections even being held, yet there is no change in sight. This is partly due to the ignorance of the people who think that change will be easy. Change just means a face change or shuffling of the decks. It requires a complete change of system, to root out corruption, to root out injustice and to put in place a true system which is in the interest of the people and nation. A system which is fair and doesn't allow some kind of dynasty. They shouldn't expect change to come from outside but from within. People of a nation are worth more than foreign aid or foreign support. Your people are the ones who hold the power and we can see that is the reason why no matter if you get a million man army to change a nation, it will fail if people are not siding with them. The same way a million man army in decades with trillion dollars cannot topple a regime or group, yet when the people rise they can topple the government within weeks with less expense and bloodshed.

I find it amazing that everybody can see how Ben Ali fled his country, how Shah of Iran fled his country and how Saddam met his fate.....yet Husni Mubarak and others still don't take any lesson from this. Don't they think one day they will be asked in their grave of how they used their rule and leadership? They remind me of the story of Pharoah, where arrogance stopped him from accepting the truth.

George Galloway puts everything in prospective...