Friday 11 February 2011

Mubarak (congrats) to Egyptians, Mubarak is no more....

The Egyptians have given a great example to the Muslim world especially, after Tunisia of course. But I was really impressed with the Egyptian revolution, it was so peaceful and organised. If Mubarak cared about his nation and people, it would have been the most peaceful revolution ever without even a single drop of blood. Because these protestors didn't want to cause any harm to anyone. I saw a video showing the protestors washing the square with hose pipes and wipers. People volunteering to clear up the rubbish and this is basically what our religion Islam tells us to do. We have to care for everything and not be oppressors or cause harm to anything. It was a shame that the government used their brutal police and then some thugs they hired to cause chaos. Alhamdulilah that did not stop the protestors and they struggled hard. Those few hundred who died, their sacrifices will not be in vain.

The main reason for the dictators being in power, was to stabilise the region (i.e protect Israel). So everybody was happy pumping in billions of dollars to this regime and other regimes. Even though they were extremely brutal and contradicted what western rules stand for. They were the complete opposite to democracy and yet they enjoyed support. But people by themselves and without foreign armies or intervention had enough. It shows when people change, the nation can change!!!

People are more stronger than any army and if they are guided on the right path can bring the best change. 

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