Friday 19 August 2011

Independence Day

So we had Pakistan independence day go by on 14th August and now Afghanistan independence day which is on 19th August. I really do not understand the purpose behind these celebrations. Like firstly let us learn what does Independence mean. It basically means to be free from any outside interference and being able to rule to country according to how the people want it to be run.

In the past nations were part of a colony and therefore all matters would be dealt with by the colonising power. Therefore those nations were not independent. But in the modern era we see that Pakistan and Afghanistan are not in fact independent.

What is the other part of independence day? Celebrations of course. Now what is their to celebrate again in these two nations? Everyday we hear of killings in Karachi, by the dozens. Nobody in the country is able to stop this or even bother to try and apprehend the criminals who are responsible for this. Everyday many people are dying. Poverty is on the increase and their a real lack of development. There is high corruption and the list is endless. How can somebody who is a citizen of Pakistan celebrate while having all of this happening in the background. Yes we should continue our lives, just live when a close passes away you continue your life. But the nation has regressed rather than progressed and still you celebrate this? Isn't that ironic....

In Afghanistan there is even more less to celebrate due to the presence of foreign soldiers and deaths by the hundreds. Then if we look at the poverty it is even more depressing if we were to look at the figures. The country might have progressed in terms of making the rich richer and the corrupt people into business tycoons. But the average Afghan has not gained anything. In Kabul I saw on the tv the other day people are still walking a long way to get just drinking water. If we list all the negatives it clearly outweights the positive which is going on in both these countries. Yet we still find a way to celebrate. Some may say we should be optimistic but I saw we should be realistic and also compassionate. Imagine a poor person dying in front of you and you make a concert in front of him where people are enjoying themselves, but he is starving at the same time. Nobody is there to feed him, but they are ready to celebrate and claim that we love our NATION. That is the biggest fraud. Love of something is not measured by how many gifts you give or by how many flags you wear or colouring your face and shouting out. It is measured by your actions.

Did you feed the poor? Did you help those who are suffering? Did you bother to tell people where is the country going? Or you just say I love my country and that is going to help matters go forward.

This reminds me of Milad Un-Nabi. It is a celebration of the Prophet (saw) birthday. In Muslim countries you would see lights around houses and people lighting fireworks. Is this ISLAM? Or is this copying others? Do you think to show your love of the Prophet (Saw) you need to celebrate his birthday in such a manner. I am sure that if we didn't celebrate his birthday but instead followed his SUNNAH and footsteps, maybe we wont go to hell. We will maybe closer to getting into paradise because the Sunnah is indeed more important than a birthday. We get our priorities wrong! We take rituals to be more important than the core of the beliefs. Love Muhammad (Saw) by following him, love your land by protecting it and honouring by what Allah has told you to do in HIS land.

If you are a good muslim following what Islam tells you, the land will prosper and so will everything else. It doesn't matter if you don't celebrate these occasions. Let us look at our actions and instead maybe will find a reason as to why our people are in such a position that they are today. We should be asking for forgiveness and seeking protection from the punishment of Allah, because we have left what he wanted us to follow in order to be prosperus in this world and the next. It is not a moment of celebration for muslims but a time for comtemplation. There isn't any good news coming out of any muslim nation at the moment....

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